Digital Transformation

Misdials and Other Unintended Consequences

Moving on to smart homes – a realm where I fancied myself as Tony Stark, but ended up more like a confused tech butler.  We have smart cameras that give you a peek into what’s going on outside and motion sensors that are supposed to activate other devices.  Oh what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to receive! (Sorry PGW)

Charlie, our Pointer-Lab has understood and accepted this state completely.  In his heyday, he would sense when the postman or the courier delivery person would step on our driveway and alert us.  Nowadays, he simply chooses to wait till the Ring doorbell notifies our kitchen Alexa to announce “There is someone at the front door” and then barks his head off.  True story!!! 

Jokes aside, navigating the evolving landscape of generative AI has been an enlightening journey. From AI in business analytics to automated customer service, the potential is immense. It’s about harnessing these tools effectively and learning to coexist with our digital counterparts.

As I explore new tech trends, I realize how technology, with all its quirks, is profoundly reshaping our world. Yes, it throws a few curveballs (like ghostly voice assistants and psychedelic art – more on that in future posts), but that’s part of the charm. In this digital odyssey, whether we’re tech wizards or just curious cats (or dogs!), the key is to keep learning, experimenting, and occasionally, laughing at the hiccups along the way.

Have any funny tech mishaps or AI anecdotes? Share them in the comments! Let’s embrace this tech journey with a spirit of adventure and a dash of humor. Stay tuned for more #TechTrendTuesday tales and insights!


Hello, tech enthusiasts and curious minds! Welcome to another #TechTrendTuesday, where we untangle the complex web of technology with a pinch of humor and heaps of real-life anecdotes. Today, let’s dive into the wonderfully wacky world of generative AI, and I’ll share how this trend has been a roller coaster ride in both my professional and personal life.

The AI Assistant Chronicles: Remember when we thought talking to computers was the stuff of sci-fi? Well, cue my adventure with AI chatbots. It all started on a lazy Sunday. I decided to test an AI assistant to help with my grocery list. Simple enough, right? “Add eggs, milk, and bread,” I said. The AI, in its infinite wisdom, decided I needed “Eggs Benedict, almond milk from Timbuktu, and bread that’s gluten-free, dairy-free, taste-free.” So much for simplifying life!

The Smart Home Saga: Moving on to smart homes – a realm where I fancied myself as Tony Stark, but ended up more like a confused tech butler. I installed smart lights in my living room, and let’s just say, their idea of ‘mood lighting’ was flashing disco lights during a quiet movie night. I guess AI thought every movie is “Saturday Night Fever.”

The Tug-of-War with Predictive Text: Ah, predictive text, our crystal ball in the digital age. While typing an email to my boss, I intended to say, “I’m on it,” which somehow auto-corrected to “I’m on a diet.” Well, that sparked an interesting conversation about workplace wellness programs!

AI Art – Unleashing My Inner Picasso: Then came my foray into AI-generated art. I attempted to create a serene landscape. The result? A neon-pink sky with green clouds, and what I think was a tree but looked more like an alien antenna. Modern art, perhaps?

The Learning Curve: Jokes aside, navigating the evolving landscape of generative AI has been an enlightening journey. From AI in business analytics to automated customer service, the potential is immense. It’s about harnessing these tools effectively and learning to coexist with our digital counterparts.


Every Tuesday, as I explore new tech trends, I realize how technology, with all its quirks, is profoundly reshaping our world. Yes, it throws a few curveballs (like ghostly voice assistants and psychedelic art), but that’s part of the charm. In this digital odyssey, whether we’re tech wizards or just curious cats, the key is to keep learning, experimenting, and occasionally, laughing at the hiccups along the way.